Your role

Because you are not carrying the baby, you go through a completely different process than your wife / girlfriend. But you have a role! A very important one, which already starts in pregnancy and which never ends.

Tips for during pregnancy

  • If possible, accompany your wife/ girlfriend to the midwife, you will hear more together. And if you see or hear your child on the ultrasound or through the doptone, it really starts the connection.
  • Take some heavy household chores over from your wife/ girlfriend.
  • Put the numbers of the midwife, hospital and maternity care in your phone.
  • If your wife / girlfriend is following a pregnancy course, come along to the partner evening(s). It’s really not that bad!
  • Also discuss your wishes during the delivery with us during the pregnancy consultations (such as cutting the umbilical cord or dressing the baby).
  • Arrange a babysitter for the other children, during labor so you can accompany your wife/ girlfriend when giving birth.

Tips for childbirth

  • Make sure that the midwife and maternity nurse can easily reach your home and that the house number is clearly visible.
  • Make it pleasant at home. Consider, for example, temperature, light and privacy. This is also convenient when you plan to give birth in hospital.
  • Ask for clarification if our explanation or the gynecologist is not clear.
  • As a partner, try to stay calm and relaxed during labor, stress is contagious!
  • During the delivery, make sure that your wife is neither too cold nor too warm. That can change quickly. Help her with warm socks, an extra blanket, a warm water bottle or cold washcloths and drinks, do what she asks you to do.
  • Show that you are confident, you can do this together!
  • If your baby has to be taken to a different room after birth, try to accompany them. Take your camera with you.
  • Keep in mind that, if medical procedures take place during labor, there may be many involved care providers in the room.

Tips for the post natal period

  • Take at least a few days off and keep some days off in case things go differently or when you need to.
  • Take your own moments with your baby. The baby is often with your wife / girlfriend for feedings, but the bond with you as a father is also extremely important. Skin-to-skin contact is very nice for the both of you.
  • Limit the maternity visit to fixed times and respect the rest hour.
  • For more peace of mind during the maternity week, you can consider sending the birth announcements a few days later.
  • Register a birth within three working days at the town hall of the town where your baby was born. This is Veldhoven when the baby was born in the Máxima Medical Centre and Eindhoven when born in the Catharina Hospital. Take your identity card, passport or driver’s license with you, and the marriage certificate or certificate of recognition.
  • Register your child with the health insurance. This can only be done as soon as you have received his / her social security number.