Prenatal diagnostic tests

In the Netherlands you are only eligible for prenatal diagnostic tests if you have a medical reason for this. Medical reasons are:

  • An increased chance (1: 200) as result of the combination test.
  • An increased chance of a chromosomal abnormality as result of the N.I.P.T.
  • You or your partner already have (had) a child with (possibly) a chromosome abnormality.
  • In a previous pregnancy, a chromosome abnormality has been determined by prenatal tests.
  • You or your partner are carriers of a chromosome abnormality.
  • The result of an ultrasound indicates there might be a chromosome abnormality in the child.

NOTE: maternal age is no longer an indication since January 2015. Even if you are older than 36 years, you follow the same route as women who are younger.

Chorionic villus sampling (CVS)

Chorionic villus sampling can be performed between 12 and 14 weeks of pregnancy. In the CVS, some flakes are taken from the placenta with the help of a thin needle, usually through the mother’s abdominal wall, sometimes through the vagina. These flakes contain the same genetic material as the baby. This allows for a detailed examination of the baby’s chromosomes. The result of CVS is known after approximately 1 week. The risk of CVS is that it could cause a miscarriage even when the baby is completely healthy. This risk of a miscarriage is around 1 to 2%. The probability that the research will fail is about 4%.

In view of the risk, you are only eligible for CVS if you have a medical reason. If you want to know more about CVS or if you want to know whether you qualify for it, you can contact us or your doctor.


An amniocentesis can be performed as of 15 weeks of pregnancy. For an amniocentesis, amniotic fluid is withdrawn from the uterus by a thin needle through the mother’s abdominal wall. From the amniotic fluid, tissue is obtained with the same genetic material as that of the baby. This gives the opportunity to examine the baby’s chromosomes in detail. Furthermore, the amount of alpha-fetoprotein in the amniotic fluid is determined. This indicates whether there is a spina bifida defect (spinal cord abnormality). The result of the amniocentesis will be known after about 2 weeks.

The risk of this test is that it could cause a miscarriage even when the baby is completely healthy. This risk of miscarriage is around 0.5%. The probability that the test will fail is about 1%.

Given the risk, you are only eligible for an amniocentesis if there is a medical reason for this. If you want to know more about an amniocentesis or if you want to know whether you qualify for it, you can contact us or your doctor.